Wednesday, 26 November 2014

The Power of a Mentor

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Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding.
Wisdom is one of the most powerful forces on earth. It is the difference between failure and success; between poverty and prosperity; between defeat and victory; between stagnation and promotion.
We are discussing a vital key to wisdom, MENTORING.
King Solomon in the Bible had a remarkable dream. God told him to ask for anything he desired. Solomon asked only for wisdom. This was God’s reply; “Because your greatest desire is to help your people, and you haven’t asked for long life, but for wisdom and knowledge to properly guide my people, yes, I am giving you the wisdom and knowledge you asked for. And I am also giving you such riches, wealth and honour as no other king has ever had before you!”
You see, the wisest king in the Bible was also the wealthiest. Wisdom is powerful.
You Too Can Have Access To The Wise
Now, you may not encounter God in a dream like Solomon, but you can have access to wisdom too. One of the proverbs of King Solomon says, “He that walks with the wise will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.”
You too can receive wisdom through association with the wise. I call that Mentoring. It is also known as Coaching.
Dear friend, God has positioned mentors around you to minimize your mistakes and maximize your potential for success. Learn from them and get ready to rise to the top.
Mentors inspire us.
Mentors enhance our speed in life.
Mentors are our gates to greatness.
We are wise when we admit that there are people who know better than we do, and we learn from them.

Three Dimensions To Mentoring
1.         Parental Mentoring
Parents have the responsibility for grooming children for future success in their adult life. Our greatest heritage from our parents is wisdom, and God’s grace on their lives.
2.         Professional Mentoring
This is the acquisition of wisdom from teachers, employers, and those who have excelled in our chosen line of career.
3.         Pastoral Mentoring
This is the acquisition of the wisdom of God through our spiritual leaders. Several people in the Bible prospered through their relationships with ministers of the gospel.
Who Is Your Mentor
Now, in a mentoring relationship, the one who provides the wisdom is known as the mentor. The one who receives is known as the mentee or protégée.
Dear friend, who is your mentor? Archbishop Benson Idahosa once said; “If someone has achieved ten times what you are trying to achieve once, the person knows something you don’t know.”

Productive and Non- Productive Protégées
Some protégées are passive. They leave all the initiative to the mentor. They do not pursue their mentors. They do not ask probing questions. Such protégées do not get much out of a mentoring relationship.
Other protégées are parasites. They only want to take advantage of the mentor. They take advantage of the mentor’s name, influence and money. They do not want to pay the price for developing themselves. And just in case the mentor corrects them, they move away.
Lastly, there are protégées who are productive. They take full advantage of the mentoring relationship and carefully apply the wisdom that they derive from it.
Let me describe some qualities of productive protégées:
1.         They invest whatever it takes to maintain contact with their mentors.
2.         They respect the advice of their mentors.
3.         They freely discuss their greatest dreams with their mentors.
4.         They discuss their fears and challenges with their mentors.
5.         The sow seeds of appreciation into the lives of their mentors.
Productive protégées publicly acknowledge and honour their mentors.  Ultimately, good protégées step into the shoes of their mentors. They become mentors themselves.
Your mentor is your doorway to the future. God will lead you and connect you with those who will bring out the best in you.  Your mentor is a preview of your future.
Qualities Of An Exceptional Mentor
1.     A mentor invests time with the protégée. Communicating wisdom requires time.
2.   Exceptional mentors usually create exceptional protégées. Like begets like
3.      The exceptional mentor measures the passion of his protégée by his pursuit of the mentor. The proof of desire is pursuit. Sometimes, a protégée needs a strong desire and perseverance to get the attention of his mentor.
4.        A mentor knows precisely the path that the protégée must tread to make it to the top. He can analyse his own success and pass on the principles that helped him to the top. He can teach also from his past mistakes.
5.    A mentor is honest enough to correct the protégée even at the risk of being misunderstood and alienated by the protégée.
6.  A mentor can often identify weaknesses in the protégée that has the potential to result in a pitfall.
7.         A mentor exposes fraudulent people to his protégée. Christ warned His disciples repeatedly about the Pharisees.
8.         The exceptional mentor desires for his protégée to go further than he has gone. “He who believes me, the works that I do shall he do and greater works than these shall he do …”
9.         The exceptional mentor is not threatened by the success of his protégée. Rather, he considers it as part of his own success.
Dear friend, ask God to direct you to mentors whose wisdom will bring divine acceleration to your destiny. Also, remember that success without a successor is failure. Pass on what you know. I believe this will be the most exciting day so far.
It is good for you to have mentors in business, marriage, career, and ministry. They will inspire, challenge and guide you. Read their books, listen to them. Experience, they say, is the best teacher. Yet it is better and cheaper to acquire wisdom through the experience of others. I pray, that God will help you move away from those who will divide and subtract from you and bring into your life those who will multiply and add to you.
On the other hand, are you in a position to mentor others? You see, poor protégées hardly become excellent mentors. If God has lifted you, are you a mentor? Are you passing on your wisdom to someone? Are you a mentor as a parent or as a professional? Mentoring changes lives. You can multiply your success. When you help others to rise, you will not go down yourself.

Posted BySir Seyi8:02 pm

The Gospel of Dreams

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"Forge ahead, expand your world, widen your horizon, raise your bar, enlarge your capacity to move above circumstances"

We all call it a "dream". Whenever we nuture a potential fantasy, we term it a " dream" not considering whether it's realistic or not. When I decided to do this stuff (blogging, article writing and business consultancy and so on)  amongst other things I do because, they came as a dream. It actually became clear that a dream is an imagination, an idea, a deep consistent thought, a vision that does not lack the breath of life, feasibility, viability, practicability and sustainability. And virtually all dreams have these qualities while very little are 10 steps from where you are ... What I'm trying to point out is that, life is in stages and some reasons why some people don't even try to attempt what they say they saw(vision or dream) is that there was no step by step action plan to get to the destination(dream destination). Most visions reveal destinations but you need to figure out the map that'll be suitable and convinient for you to get there.
Honestly, I have discovered that there exists a common denominator, a similar trait responsible for catapulting people from zero to zenith,grass to grace no matter what field of endeavour one finds himself and that is, optimism, focus, commitment, hard work, a never say never spirit, and at some point homework.

A dream is like a foetus that will finally develop into a baby which is delivered at birth/maturity. For a dream to be attainable, just like a healthy baby, it needs some nutrients, " a balanced diet " that'll ensure proper growth and development. A dream always provide a potential way forward after perception. It will open the gate for you, it's now left for you to take action, step forward in faith, walk through the gate, and then, you're heading to your promise land. From time to time, just like every other thing in life, there'll be moments of reality, moments when you feel you're between the red sea and the Egyptian army, i mean a time of confusion, a time where there seem to be no option, a time where there are no indications on what to do next, where to go next and the only sign you seem to see is QUIT!, a time of exhaustion. This phase of life had caused many Havocs, it made some people make career-threatening decisions, like Steve Jobs who sold most of his stakes at Apple when he was first fired which could have made him an all-time world's richest man. I believe he was frustrated at that point... It has made some commit suicide. It's a frustrating phase of life. Sometimes, it surfaces as outright failure.A time of Cold wind. Sometimes, it's like breakdown at the edge of breakthrough. It's a time when you're left alone to decide for yourself("which way forward?"). It's a decisive stage, a stage where what you said you "saw" is being challenged. A Stage that decides whether it's a dream or a doom. This is where the boys are separated from the men, I mean where the girls are separated from the women...If you faint in times of adversity, your strength is small. The ability to scale the hurdles, conquer the obstacles to make a head way makes all the difference.You have greatness within you. You'll never know if you don't let it out. Step out in faith knowing that                                                  "It took the Lion lots of courage to be brave"

Forge ahead, expand your world, widen your horizon, raise your bar, enlarge your capacity to move above circumstances, extend your borders, break your prison, break and set records...That's the gospel of a dream!

D- Dedicate and
R- Resolute to
E- Ensure
A- Achieved
M- Mission .

Posted BySir Seyi7:53 pm

Successful Habits

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Success is the achievement of God’s set goals for your life.
Habits are those things we do consistently and almost without thinking. Though we do not decide our destiny directly, we decide on our habits. Our habits determine our character and our character determines our destiny. We can therefore say that godly habits bring about success.
Note that if you do something consistently for 21 days, it becomes a habit. If you have a bad habit, the best way to overcome it is to override it with a good habit.
Every human being has different habits that shape their characters differently. But to be a successful person, there are certain habits you need to develop. Without them success will only be a mirage.
I want to share some of these habits with you.
Meditation: Meditation means to roll over in thought. When you meditate, you align all your senses to focuse on a particular thing, which could be an idea or a word or even a picture. If you are too busy to think, then you are too busy to succeed. Set aside a time, daily or at least weekly, that you will meditate on the word of God.
Prayer: People who succeed supernaturally make it a habit to pray. Hearing from God guarantees total life success. It is better to talk to God about our challenges than complain about them. Pray with faith and thanksgiving in your heart.
Responsibility: This is your ability to respond to different situations. It is not what happens to us that hurt or affect us; it is the way we choose to respond to situations. You can choose not to blame anybody or any circumstance for your present predicament and you will find yourself making decisions and taking actions that will lead you to success. Act rather than react.
Self- improvement: How you daily improve on yourself is what makes you outstanding. Take out time to listen to tapes and read. Statistics show that if you read for one hour daily in your area of specialty for 2 to 3 years, you become an authority. In 5 years you will be among the top 5%, in 10 years, you will be among the top 1%.
Positive talk: Successful people will correct the language of one who speaks negatively. Death and life are in the power of the tongue; talk life! Positive talk puts your mind to work; you will never be stranded because you will always be able to figure a way out.
The Seed principle: It is also called the law of cause and effect. The harvest of today are the results of seeds planted yesterday, there is no cause without an effect. Everyone with a seed has a guaranteed future with God. The death of a seed is the burial of a forest.
Persistence: This is the attitude of not giving up until you achieve the desired results. Persistence wears out your challenges. To persist means to continue doing something in spite of difficulty or opposition. Everybody desires to succeed but unfortunately not everybody does. Not because they cannot, but because they did not persist or persevere.
Action orientation: Nothing moves until you move it. Fear causes you to delay action but action delayed is destiny denied, destiny denied is the devil’s delight. You destiny will not be denied.
Planning: Planning is thinking ahead. When preparation meets opportunity, success is achieved. Planning helps you to solve problems up front. Planning makes you see ahead and when you see ahead, you can win ahead.
Service: You need to be passionate about what to give rather than what to get. When you are out just to get, you may fail, but when you share of yourself, you multiply. Serve others with you gifts. Even if you are not paid for it at first, continue serving and at the end of the day you will surely be rewarded.
-Sam Adeyemi

Posted BySir Seyi7:37 pm

Living the life of your Dreams

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Life is designed for progression and not stagnation. One of the greatest discoveries you will make in life is this: as you change and improve, things and people will change and improve around you.
As these changes begin to occur, I want you to note that no matter what you want to achieve, your position does not count as much as your disposition. A positive disposition will ultimately guarantee a favourable position.
Let me share a personal experience with you. After I completed my NYSC, I thought getting a good job would be automatic. But like many others, I had to sit at home for over a year.
Throughout that period, I made up my mind that I was not going to worry about my unemployed status though I had not gotten a job for over a year. I said to myself; “I am not going to be unemployed forever, I am taking this as a brief holiday.” I went to my pastor and said, “I am offering to work as a volunteer.”
The moment I broke free from that mindset of not being employed, somebody came to church on a Sunday and said, “I heard that they need a Civil Engineer on this particular site.” I thought, could it be so easy? I applied for the job and two of us were called for an interview. They needed somebody with three years experience, but I was freshly out of school, while the other candidate had the experience. I could not answer most of the questions they asked me because I had not worked practically on a site before. The panel told me, “Mr. Adeyemi, you have not been able to answer our questions satisfactorily. You don’t have the experience that we need.”
I had read then of the power of attitude, so instantly I spoke to them, “Gentlemen, I appreciate what you have said. It is true that I do not have the experience. But as you can see from my results and from the way I am speaking that I am very intelligent. If you give me this job, I will catch up very fast. I am sure I will be able to deliver what you want within the next few months.”
They thanked me and said they would get in touch. Eventually, a few days later, the person who introduced the job to me said they decided to employ the other person. I said it was okay. Then, he came back after a few days and said, “They said they are not employing the other person anymore, they are employing you. The job is now yours.” I got the job. You know what got the job for me? Attitude! I was positive. I raised their expectation. They knew that if they gave me the job, I would perform well because I believed that I was going to perform well.
What do you believe? What you believe is what you will become.
There are more personal experiences that you can learn from and I want to share them with you. All you may need at this point in your life is that little push that will give you an extra edge; you can leverage on things no one may be willing to share with you in this environment. But I am determined to inspire and motivate you to achieve success. I have already started doing this in the lives of many people on my coaching programme. It would also interest you to know that they are moving from one level of success to another.
-Sam Adeyemi

Posted BySir Seyi7:31 pm

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Striving for Excellence In a World of Uncertainties

Striving for excellence in a world of Uncertainties

Attaining a position of relevance and significance in life is a universal desire. Everybody wants to succeed. Everybody wants to identify with only with successful men and achievers. No one ever desire to fail. Men who are success-driven in all endeavors are usually challenging and their lifestyles are very contagious. We hold them in high esteem not because of big ideas but their rare determination to go the extra mile with passion and excellence.

 Israel Disraeli (1834), a British literary historian and father of Benjamin Disraeli, a successful statesman affirms " is a wretched state to be gratified with mediocrity when the excellent lies before us"

Charles Swindoll had a strong distaste for mediocrity and average. He asserts, " Long enough have we settled for less than our best and convinced that achieving one's full potential is a goal worth striving for, that excellence is worth pursuing even if the most yawn and fewer sneer."

To strive is to put in an effort. Striving for excellence is therefore a diligent attempt to attain excellence. In a world filled with uncertainties, excellence is attained by being dogged and committed to one's course come what may. Though the endowments are divine, the nursing and building is human. This means much of the work lies in your ability to pay the price that success requires.

It is of importance to be committed to the desire for excellence. Let nothing deter you from your pathway towards this Nobel goal. Excellence commences with God, condenses in the individual and is consummated upon his environment: human, material, physical, spiritual, etc.

To attain excellence therefore, you must start by:

1. Recognizing the truth of excellence: It's hard work.  There is no success no matter the form that was gotten on the platter of convenience. 

2. Relocating from your present position: Faithfully make an honest evaluation of your present state, forgetting your past failures and freely remove the domain of fear,hesitation and pessimism to forcefully plunge into the realm of faith, hope and optimism.

3. Resolving to Stand Out: The desire to set a mark that'll make you remembered must be burning everyday, every time. The desire to stand out at all cost despite all odds is the fueling force that will determine the extent to which you'll reach. No matter how beautiful,skillful and compacted a car is, the fuel determines the extent to which it can reach. So Likewise, on the highway of success, your desire to succeed is your fuel which determines the extent to which you can go.

According to Sir J. Reynolds, "Excellence is never granted a man, but as reward if labour". It however does not stop at that. Your place in the ladder of excellence is also a function of choices and decisions made petsonally or otherwise in the course of your life.

  1. FIX A PURPOSE: Every achievement today starts in the mind of some men as a dream. A goal is a dream with a deadline. With goals, you are able to concentrate your effort and pungently direct your powers in a direction that will reward you with academic excellence beyond your wildest expectations.

B. Follow a Plan: A goal without a plan is well prepared for journey into an unknown country with neither guards nor roadmaps. Plans give directions to goals and focus to purpose. Plan to detail; make a 24 hour time table; include time for study, sleeping, cooking, laundry, rest, etc.

C. Faithful Pursuit: Idleness kills. It destroys. Get busy! Lay your hand in something. You either burn the midnight candle or fade into obscurity.

D. Full Persuasion: Forcing your way through to excellence remains the only option for a dogged person. " Never admit failure until you've made your last attempt. Never make your last attempt until you've succeeded "-Dr.E.L.Kramer

Excellence is the royal road to satisfaction. Joy, and peace of mind. Never give up! In a world of uncertainty, you desire fuels the whole process! Yes you can!

1. Everybody wants to succeed but not many are ready to face the task it requires.
2. In a world of uncertainty, your decision to succeed is as important as your desire. Desire with no action is like starting up a car and the accelerator is broken or damaged, you'll go nowhere. Committed action is required.
3. Resolve to Stand Out
4. Get busy. " Idleness is the dead sea that swallows all virtue." - Benjamin Franklin

5. Excellence begats Satisfaction.

Related Posts: The Gospel of Dreams

Posted BySir Seyi6:58 pm

Saturday, 22 November 2014

The 10 Commandments of Clean Communication

Loving relationships are the most important factor in a man’s happiness, success, and ability to live a fully flourishing life.
And one of the most important factors in creating and sustaining these warm, intimate relationships is communication.
Unfortunately, how to communicate with one’s significant other in a healthy, positive way is something rarely taught to either men or women. As a result, many couples find that their discussions regularly turn into heated, unproductive arguments that ultimately damage their relationship. Angry fighting leads to distance and weakens intimacy. Yelling, sarcasm, insults, and name-calling undermine trust. This kind of pejorative communication creates defensiveness and alienation, which makes it nearly impossible for a couple to address their issues together. What starts as a conversation escalates into a fight in which the original issue gets forgotten, you lose track of what you’re even yelling about, and nothing gets resolved.
In contrast, couples who know how to discuss their disagreements in a healthy way are able to nip problems in the bud before they turn into big, relationship-ending issues. The key to this kind of positive interaction is what the authors of Couple Skills call “clean communication.” Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, and Kim Paleg (hereafter referred to as MFP) define clean communication as “taking responsibility for the impact of what you say.” By being more intentional about their communication techniques and leaving out rhetoric that wounds one’s partner and creates defensiveness, a couple creates a safe place in which to honestly and respectfully work through their differences.
What are the principles of clean communication? MFP lay out 10 “commandments” to follow when you’re talking with your significant other. While the focus of this post is communication in a romantic relationship, much of this also applies to personal interactions in all areas of your life.

The 10 Commandments of Clean Communication

1. Avoid judgment words and loaded terms.

  • “You’re acting so childish right now.”
  • “Oh boo-hoo. I’m tired of your perpetual ‘poor me’ attitude.”
  • “Maybe if you were more of a man, you’d be able to handle this.”
  • “You’d probably feel better if you got off your fat, lazy ass and finally did something about it.”
When you’re having a heated argument with your significant other, it can be very tempting to level a real zinger at them – to use words and putdowns you know will wound them and push their buttons. Such zingers aim to point our their flaws and tear down their worth. They accomplish this mission – but at the expense of trust and intimacy.

2. Avoid “global” labels.

There are two ways to criticize someone – you can critique their character or their behavior. In criticizing behavior, you’re calling out something specific and temporary – something the person can realistically change. But in assailing someone’s very identity, you’re issuing a global label – a blanket condemnation of who they are at the core; they don’t just do bad stuff, they are a bad person.
Global labels can feel highly satisfying to hurl at someone when you’re angry and can seem completely justifiable at the time. In writing the person off as incorrigible, you also essentially absolve yourself of any responsibility for your issues as a couple: “We wouldn’t have this problem if you weren’t so selfish.”
But blanket condemnations of your partner’s character are anathema to a loving relationship. They will make her feel hurt and defensive, greatly hindering any chance of communication. Global labels also make your partner feel helpless – if the problem is rooted in their very identity/personality, changing will seem impossible to them. They’re liable to answer: “I’m sorry, but this is the way I am!” Thus, in using global labels you wash your hands of any responsibility for the problem, while at the same time, your partner will feel unable and unwilling to do anything about it either…not a recipe for effective conflict resolution!
Here are some examples of global labels, and how they could be better rendered as specific critiques of behavior instead of character:
  • You’re so self-centered and only care about yourself.” → “In forgetting my birthday, I felt like you didn’t think about my feelings.”
  • You’re such a bitch.”→ “Questioning my masculinity is a low-blow. I’d like to try to talk to you without the name-calling.”
  • You’re always so helpless.” → “I know you’re having trouble figuring out how to download that app, but right now I need to finish this paper. If you still can’t get it, I promise to help you tonight.”

3. Avoid “you” messages of blame and accusation.

As MFP put it, “the essence of a ‘you’ message is simply this: ‘I’m in pain and you did it to me.’ And there’s usually this subtext: ‘You were bad and wrong for doing it to me.’” When people slight us, it may be true that they are entirely, or almost entirely, to blame. But when you lead with that blame, the instigator will instantly erect walls of defensiveness that will make working through the issue together impossible. This doesn’t mean you have to pretend your significant other is not at fault when they are, it just means you use language that says the same thing in a different way – couching your message so that it actually has a chance to surmount their psychological walls and reach their brain.
To do this, you want to swap out your you-centered accusations for statements that emphasize “I” – how you feel when your partner does certain things. Here are some examples:
  • You always leave the house such a mess.” → “When the house is so cluttered I end up feeling stressed out.”
  • Your moodiness is ruining our relationship.” → “When I can’t predict your moods, I’m not sure how to approach you, and I feel like that’s eroding the intimacy in our relationship.”
  • You’re always late and it’s driving me crazy.” → “I feel embarrassed when we arrive late to events.”

 4. Avoid old history.

  • “You’re just being ungrateful like always. Remember when I spent all weekend cleaning the house before your folks arrived and you never even said thank you?”
  • “You don’t trust me? At least I’m not the one who cheated last year.”
  • “It’s always the same damned thing with you. You’re sorry about spending too much on the couch, just like you were sorry for going over budget on the kitchen remodel, and sorry for spending so much on the dress for our wedding…”
When you’re addressing a certain problem, stick with the issue at hand instead of slinging mud, or engaging in what my friend calls “closet-fighting” — i.e., reaching back into the closet of your past for old grievances to buttress your current accusations. When we closet-fight, MFP write, “The message is: ‘You’re bad, you’re bad, you’re bad. You’ve always had this flaw, and it’s not getting any better.'” While talking about your history together may be useful when you’re both calm, MFP recommend sticking to the present when things are heated, as “anger turns references to the past into a club rather than a source of enlightenment.”
Resurrecting old beefs will ratchet up the intensity of your discussion, and will invariably send it off in a different direction and away from resolving the original issue. Plus, your partner will likely be hurt that you’re still holding onto something she thought you’d forgiven her for, and you both will feel like your relationship isn’t progressing. It’s hard to move forward if you keep rehashing the past; instead, let sleeping dogs lie.

5. Avoid negative comparisons.

  • “You’re so irrational, just like your mom.”
  • “None of my exes were ever as clingy as you are.”
  • “Why can’t you be more fun like Derek’s girlfriend is?”
Being compared negatively to someone else sure can sting. We oftentimes want to think we’ve evolved past the flaws of our parents, so to hear “you’re just like your dad” feels like a punch to the gut. So too, our identities are very much based on comparing ourselves to our peers, and to have the person we love say we don’t stack up to them cuts at our sense of worth. Making negative comparisons also tells your partner that you’ve been thinking about someone else, and how that other person measures up to her, which can provoke hurt feelings and jealously.

6. Avoid threats.

  • “If you’re going to act like that, then I’m not going with you to your parents’ house this weekend.”
  • “If you can’t get your act together, then maybe we should get a divorce.”
  • “If you don’t want to be more adventurous in bed, I can find plenty of other women who are willing to be.”
MFP write that “the basic message of a threat is: you’re bad and I’m going to punish you.” It’s a way of trying to compel desired behavior, but since it shuts down the whole discussion, even if it works in the short term, the underlying issue will remain unresolved. If your partner complies, she’ll only be doing it to avoid the consequences of your threat, and if she doesn’t, the argument is going to escalate and/or keep reoccurring.
There is a place for quasi-ultimatums in a relationship, but they come after you’ve completely exhausted every attempt to communicate and compromise about the problem in a positive way. Too often people resort to a threat as an easy way to resolve things, and will even drop the D word to scare their spouse into compliance.
An “or else” statement shouldn’t be thrown around, and it shouldn’t be punitive. That is, if your partner is unwilling to meet your needs, create a plan to meet those needs yourself, but don’t do so in a way that’s specifically designed to punish your partner. So for example, if you want to spend more time with friends, but your significant other won’t budge on giving her blessing, you might say, “I’m going to start spending every Saturday morning with them,” and then follow through on that action. A punitive ultimatum, on the other hand, would be something like deciding to skip out on a concert you agreed to attend with her, in order to do something with your buddies.
Your partner may come to accept the implementation of your ultimatum or it may drive a wedge in your relationship. If the latter, it may spell the end; clean communication offers the best possible chance of relationship success, but doesn’t guarantee it if you just aren’t right for each other.

7. Describe your feelings rather than attack with them.

Your demeanor can truly be wielded like a weapon. When we raise our voice, withdraw into cold hostility, adopt a sneering tone, or employ biting sarcasm, we can wound those we love. Especially when it comes to communicating with women, you would be surprised how a cutting tone of voice can make them feel almost physically hurt. Instead, do your best to keep your voice level and calm.
As you discuss what’s bothering you, describe your emotions as specifically as possible. “In so doing,” MFP write, “your partner can hear what you’re feeling without being overwhelmed or bludgeoned by it.” Here are some examples:
  • “I feel disrespected when you make jokes at my expense when we’re out with your friends.”
  • “I feel jealous when I see you texting your ex.”
  • “I feel hurt when you ignore me when I come home from work.”

8. Keep body language open and receptive.

Even more than what we say, our body language conveys how we’re actually feeling. You may tell your significant other that you’re not angry and are willing to talk things through, but if your posture and facial expressions say otherwise, they will assuredly pick up on it. They’ll also likely match your defensive stance, and the discussion will get off to a rocky start.
To keep things amicable, adopt an open, rather than closed posture. Folding your arms, tensing your jaw, squinting, looking disgusted, balling up your fists, fidgeting in an irritated way, and rolling your eyes are all behaviors that make you seem closed off, hostile, and unwilling to communicate. Create sincere, inviting body language by relaxing your face, making warm eye contact, leaning forward, keeping your arms uncrossed, and nodding to show you’re listening.

9. Use whole messages.

Oftentimes, you may think you’re getting your message across to your significant other, but the result is a big miscommunication. They hear something much different than you intended. What we say makes total sense to us, because we have the entire context of it in our heads. But what actually comes out of our mouths may only be a slice of that bigger picture – a partial fragment that is then misconstrued by our partner.
To avoid this, strive to deliver “whole messages” when speaking with your significant other. Whole messages consist of 4 parts:
  • Observations: “Observations are statements of fact that are neutral, without judgments or inferences,” write MFP. “The house is a mess,” vs. “I’ve noticed you’re a slob.”
  • Thoughts: MFP describe this component as “your beliefs, opinions, theories, and interpretations of a situation. Thoughts are not conveyed as absolute truth but as your personal hypothesis or understanding of a situation. ‘My idea was…I wondered if…I suspected that…I worried that…The way I saw it was…’”
  • Feelings: Describe your feelings in a specific way that doesn’t blame your partner. “I’m concerned about our budget,” vs. “Your spending is out of control and really stressing me out.”
  • Needs/Wants: Too often we expect our partner to be mind readers, but as MFP note, “No one can know what you want unless you tell them.” For an in-depth guide to expressing your needs in a relationship, check out this post.
Here’s an example of a whole message:
“We haven’t been spending as much time together [Observation]. It seems like you’ve been busier, and I don’t know if that’s just because your classes are hard this semester or you just haven’t been as interested in hanging out [Thoughts]. I’ve been feeling distant from you and confused about the status of our relationship [Feelings]. I’d like for us to be more committed as a couple and to know what you think about the future of our relationship [Needs].”

10. Use clear messages.

Just as a partial message can be misconstrued, so too can a “contaminated” message. This occurs when you mix some of the 4 elements together or “mislabel” them in order to disguise your real intent. Your partner might say, “Hmmm, that’s an interesting way to do it,” when they really mean, “You’re doing it wrong.” Or for example, you might say to your wife, “And here you are finally, late as usual.” You’re pretending to make a straightforward observation, but you’re really mixing in your judgments, thoughts, and feelings. It would be better to say, “I’ve been waiting here for 20 minutes. It seems like you struggle to be on time. When I’m left waiting I end up feeling frustrated and disrespected. Do you think you could make more of an effort to be on time?”
MFP note that one “effective way to contaminate your message is to disguise it as a question”:
  • “Why didn’t you take out the trash last night?”
  • “Is there a reason all the dishes have been left in the sink?”
  • “Why don’t you take our finances more seriously?
  • “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
The questioner adopts the posture of soliciting information from their partner, but they already know the answer and their feelings about it; they’re really just making an accusation and showing their disapproval for their partner’s choice. To be honest, it seems like women do this more than men (sorry ladies), perhaps because they’re often less comfortable being assertive.
Muddy messages create distance and contention in a relationship. Your partner either will not be sure what you’re driving at, or will take umbrage at your not simply saying what you mean. Give it to ‘em straight, and give it to ‘em cleanly.
Couple Skills by Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, and Kim Paleg. I read through a bunch of relationship advice books recently looking for some good bits that might be helpful to pass along to readers. This was definitely the best in the bunch. It’s written by men (one of which runs a men’s support group) and includes lots of concrete, useful, practical tips.

Posted BySir Seyi4:00 pm